Come out of the Grave

There is something called the power of the grave. A grave is the final resting place of the dead. In this final resting place there is no physical activity going on, no activity no action taken place. It is a quiet and serene place. There is a spiritual power that is in charge of that grave. Anything that enters that grave will not go away. There are so many things about us that is already dead and in the spiritual grave. When something dies in your life physically, you know that something had died in your life spiritually. There are three most important things in a person’s life:

  1. Glory
  2. Virtue
  3. Destiny

When a man dies the glory will not be useful to him again. Pray that you will not die before your glory manifest.

What is dead in your life?

  1. It can be that you are spiritually dead, spiritually blind, deaf and dumb. It can be that you are in a spiritual coma and the devil is using you as a passenger, wherever they push you, you go there. You are an empty vessel that makes the most noise, no revelation, no vision.
  2. Your marriage and family can be in disarray, no unity. The breath of God will give your marriage life and every department of your life. Once the breath of God removes from anything it will begin to die. Many don’t know where to start, you should start with the word of God it is the way (John 14:6).
  3. It can be your health or your body that is already destroyed, pray that the Lord will give you a new resurrected body.
  4. It can be your career and education.
  5. It can be your relationship with your husband/wife or children that is dead. If it is so you will not enjoy your salvation. Pray that the Holy Spirit will revive your relationship.
  6. It can be your business or source of income that is dead. You are in a lot of debt. It is your action that will bring you out of the grave.
  7. It might be your brain or memory that is dead. The devil has turn it upside down and you don’t know anything.
  8. It might be your prayer life that is dead. When you are not in tune with the word of God you will have difficulty in prayer.
  9. It can be your peace
  10. It can be your joy
  11. It can be your happiness

If you don’t have joy, peace and happiness you will be sad and bitter; even if you have money and material things. The rich and intellectual also cry; because when the devil has killed and stolen things from their lives confusion will be the order of the day.

There are different types of graves:

  1. There are graves of spiritual backwardness. Christians who are in this grave are incorrigible; they don’t like to be corrected. The word of God will never prosper in their lives. As long as you are spiritually backward you will have a lot of warfare in your life.
  2. The grave of self-righteousness and self-justification (Luke 18:9-14). This is what is holding many persons including pastors. Everyone that exalted himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. God shall save the humble person (Job 22:29).
  3. The grave of spiritual decay and death. You are declining in thanksgiving. The moment you reduce studying of the word of God, everything about God in you will decline. You will not know how to pray and praise God. The word of God is the lubricant oil that renews your spirit and keeps your soul alive. It gives you momentum as a child of God. If the word of God decreases in your life, the door will be opened wide for the enemy. You need to come out of the grave of spiritual decay. When you are in spiritual decay – worry, anxiety, heaviness and fear will grip you. Ephesians 5:14, awake thou that sleepeth and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light. You need to speak to your spirit and soul and command them to hear the voice of resurrection; to awake, arise and live in the name of Jesus. (2 Corinthians 7:1), we need deep purging and cleansing before we can come out of the grave.
  4. The grave of profitless life, millions are in this grave. (Judges 6:1), there is no smoke without fire. Everything that is happening to you has an origin. There are some well-educated persons not making progress. Isaiah 5:1-11.
  5. The grave of debt owing, it is killing Christians, it is killing the work of God. Don’t take the loan that you cannot pay. Discretion will save you (Proverbs 2:11).
  6. The grave of suffering and hard life.
  7. The grave of witchcraft and other powers of darkness. Witch means to bend to change you from what God has created you to be. Craft means deception, lies. Millions are in this grave, someone who supposed to be a teacher is on the pulpit, some pastors are at KPH as doctors. They fulfil the desire of the wish of their parents. The grave of witchcraft is where destinies are pocketed and stars are hijacked. Where glory is eaten and virtues are buried. Grave of witchcraft is the grave where many are born champions but they are tied down because of circumstances in their family. It is a place where opportunities are caged. There are so many candidates in the grave of witchcraft this population is the highest. You must come out of that grave. Read Nahum 3 very well you will see people who are tied down in this grave. It is where blessings are destroyed without remnant. Agents of witchcraft have PhD in destruction.

Why did we die and find ourselves in this grave?

Isaiah 59 : 1 - 2
  1. Sin, stop looking at what another person is doing. Look at yourself, re-examine yourself and mind your own business.
  2. Disobedience and rebellion (Isaiah 1:19-20), if you are willing and obedient you will not find yourself in the grave. Disobedience and rebellion attracts spiritual death and bodily death.
  3. Wickedness, a Christian who does not give offering, pays his/her tithes. If you withhold what is in your hand God will not release the harvest in his garden. If you are not taking care of your wife this is wickedness.
  4. Laziness, there are so much laziness in the body of Christ. Many don’t even pray for themselves much less for others. When you are prayerless you become powerless. Laziness causes many to not look about themselves. (Proverbs 6:4-11).

John 12:24, what type of seed are you? That when the enemy put you in the ground you stay forever and don’t come out. If you sow a good seed, you will reap a good fruit or harvest and if you sow a bad seed you will reap a bad fruit or harvest. We are the seed of God, no matter what the wicked has done to us we shall surely overcome. The question is: are you a seed of God or of the devil? What type of seed are you planting in your life? The type of seed you are will determine if you will come out of the grave. Each of us is a covenant seed of Jesus Christ given birth by Jesus Christ. We are a living seed; a seed of God will not die nor be destroyed by the wicked.

What we must do?

  1. We must be genuinely born again and be serious with God and his word.
  2. We must follow the model that Christ has given unto us and that model defines the standard of God and the standard of God is in the bible.
  3. We must be obedient and faithful no matter the circumstances. Be faithful means to be reliable, to be trusted, to be stable, to be available. Tell yourself that as long as this is what God wants I will do it. That is how resurrection will take place in your life.
  4. Engage in prayers that will touch the heart of God. The republican asks God for mercy (Luke 18:13). Don’t pray in self-righteousness.

Prayer Points

John 11 : 38 - 44, Matthew 28 : 2 - 7
  1. Jesus Christ my Saviour visit my home and do something great in the name of Jesus.
  2. Lord Jesus the burden bearer appear and let my wilderness expire in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every counterfeit voice that is impersonating my voice in the spirit realm to do evil, by the power of God be silenced in the name of Jesus.
  4. My testimonies buried in the grave, by the power of resurrection awake, arise, come out by fire in the name of Jesus.
  5. Holy Spirit revive my relationship for good in the name of Jesus.
  6. By the grace of God I shall not be an empty vessel in the name of Jesus.
  7. O God have mercy upon me a sinner in the name of Jesus.
  8. O God my Father by thy great mercies remove the filthiness in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  9. O God that doeth hard things come and do a hard thing for me in the name of Jesus.
  10. Resurrection and the life Jesus Christ of Nazareth raise me out of the grave in the name of Jesus.
  11. My glory! What are you doing in the grave of witchcraft, by the power of resurrection awake, arise, come out by fire in the name of Jesus.
  12. My buried virtue hear the voice of resurrection and be exhumed in the name of Jesus.
  13. My bewitched star, by the fire of God, be delivered in the name of Jesus.
  14. My destiny inside the casket, by the touch of Jesus Christ of Nazareth come out by fire in the name of Jesus.
  15. The strongman that is increasing my problems, receive the arrows of fire fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
  16. My God ordained opportunities lying waste in the grave by the power of resurrection, jump out locate me by fire in the name of Jesus.
  17. Any witch representing different personalities in my dreams, by the fire of resurrection manifest and die in the name of Jesus.
  18. Every evil hand in the affairs of my life, by the fire of the Holy Ghost whither and shrink in the name of Jesus.
  19. Let the baptism, anointing and the beauty of resurrection embrace my life now in the name of Jesus.
  20. Grave of unfruitfulness and childlessness, my life is not for sale by the power of resurrection open, release me, let me go in the name of Jesus.
  21. Grave of non-achievement of my father’s house, I separate from you, open and release my buried blessings in the name of Jesus.
  22. Serpentine grave of my mother’s house that kills people before their time, I am not your candidate, by the power of resurrection I come out of you by fire in the name of Jesus.
  23. Every marine grave (graves in the waters) that is frustrating my destiny, by the tempest of the Holy Ghost be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
  24. Every marine grave that is frustrating the destiny of my children, by the volcano of the Holy Ghost be consumed in the name of Jesus.
  25. Every grave of oppression that has refused to let me go, by the power of Almighty God release me and scatter in the name of Jesus.
  26. By the grace of God, in this pandemic me and my family shall sing a new song and dance a new dance in the name of Jesus.
  27. Any occultic grandmaster standing at the gate of my breakthrough, by the tempest of the Holy Ghost be buried in the name of Jesus.
  28. Every voice of darkness that is misleading me in the dream, by the voice of the Holy Ghost shut up and speak no more in the name of Jesus.
  29. Mouth of envious witchcraft that is spoiling me before my helpers catch fire in the name of Jesus.