Consuming Fire Chase the children of Jezebel Away

Bible says that our God is a God that answereth by fire, and the fire of God is the fire that burneth without remnant, it will not stop until it finishes its assignment. All the people that are planning evil against you, tragedy and disaster will locate them and their household (Psalm 62:3). They want to stop you from doing everything that glorifies God in your life. They delight in lies, they bless with their mouth and curse inwardly (Psalm 62:4).

Whatever you are going through now, whatever battle in your life now, you need to be patient and wait upon the Lord. To wait is not easy; but faithful, committed people do wait. God is our refuge, he lives in us and we live in him. Romans 8:18, the sufferings of this time is nothing to be compared to the coming glory. Pray that the devil will not use you to destroy the work of God. Trust God at all times, God has different ways of testing your faith; he can use sickness, hunger, delay, enemy he can use many things to test you. You might not even realise that he is testing you. So no matter what situation you face don’t lose hope, remain steadfast and faithful to the end and you will be greatly rewarded.

What do we mean by the children of Jezebel?

In warfare Jezebel has no gender, it can be a man or woman a boy or girl. It simply means they have the spirit of Jezebel.

Who are the children of Jezebel?

  1. They are the enemies of God, whose only duty is to cause pain. Anywhere they enter trouble will start, anything they touches die, they don’t want anything good.
  2. They are the people that deny the cross of Calvary and Jesus Christ. They want the world to serve Satan and his idols.
  3. They are inherited enemies and trouble makers assigned to your life. You might inherit them through your mother or father, through your ancestors, through your blood line and lineage. Pray that all the evil followers that escorted you into this world to die.
  4. They are wicked blood relations; there are people already in the grave that was killed by their blood relations. You have people who are walking corpse; they are still walking but they are already dead because of their blood relations.
  5. They are false prophets and prophetesses and satanic ministers that are troubling the world now in the name of preaching. Jesus said we need to be aware (Matthew 24:24-26). The children of Jezebel move about with the spirit of deception. They say the Lord said and the Lord did not send them (Ezekiel 13:3-9).
  6. They are unrepentant witches and wizards in the house of God, who camouflage with the bible and activities. They remain to cause problem and to destroy the church. Deuteronomy 18:10-12.
  7. They are the oppressing, tormenting and the persecuting power attached to peoples’ lives they don’t want you to have peace, they don’t want you to be happy, they don’t want any good thing to happen to you at all, they don’t want to hear any good news about others.
  8. They are the enemies of your salvation and Christianity, they don’t want you to serve God, they don’t want you to carry bible, they don’t want you to praise God, they don’t want you to go to church.
  9. They are powers that don’t want any good thing to happen in your marriage and family.
  10. They are friends that gives information to your enemies.
  11. They are the strongmen of your father’s and mother’s houses, anointed by Satan to make sure you are a failure in life.
  12. They are the enemies of your prayer life.

Signs for you to know that the children of Jezebel are operating in your life:

  1. Continuous sadness and bitterness, there is no joy in you. It shows that your spirit, soul, conscience, mind, intellect and memory has been polluted deeply. It is very difficult for this person to experience open heavens that is visions, revelations, Godly dreams, etc, because everywhere is covered with darkness. You have become a prisoner of darkness.
  2. When there is no peace, inspite of what you have; whether it be your wealth, goodness etc, you are still uncomfortable and troubled from the inside. When there is no peace there will be no relationship between you and the word of God, there will be no relationship between you and Jesus Christ, there will be no relationship between you and the Holy Spirit. Anywhere you go you will become a trouble maker.
  3. Another sign for you to know that the children of Jezebel is operating in your life is when you are withdrawn, you don’t like dealing with people. You don’t want people to come close to you, you are always fearful that someone is about to hurt you. Loneliness is a killer you need people around you. You need to remember that no one is perfect, pray for them.
  4. When you are experiencing uncontrollable marital crisis. Every time there is argument and crisis in the marriage. 1 John 3:8b, every works of the devil in your marriage shall be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
  5. If you see that you and your family are experiencing rise and fall.
  6. When you are moving from one sickness and disease to another.
  7. When there is delay and disappointment. It leads to discouragement, depression and death.
  8. When you are experiencing constant miscarriage. It can be physical and spiritual; it can be miscarriage of pregnancies, opportunities and blessings.
  9. When the entire family is in disunity and whenever any family has disunity there will be no progress, there will be no light; darkness will rule everywhere and poverty will be in charge.
  10. When the circle of poverty refuse to be broken.
  11. Academic failure amongst the family. The devil knows that once education enter that family the door will be opened.
  12. Prolonged childlessness; you will see young and healthy men and women that are married and experiencing difficulty in child bearing.
  13. Decayed blessings; when you work so hard at something and you are expecting it and they tell you come tomorrow to collect it and when you reach they say they are sorry.
  14. When there is no helper at all. You have never received any help that will change your life. Pray that God will send help that will sustain you all the days of your life.
  15. When you are in debt and you cannot redeem it.
  16. When money is not staying in your hands, wallet and bank account. It shows that there is a financial devourer attached to your life.
  17. If you are experiencing promise and fail.
  18. When there is tragic, sudden and untimely death.

What must we do?

  1. The only thing we need to do is to reconcile with God, repent and surrender our lives to Jesus Christ as our true Lord and Saviour.
  2. Continue praying.
  3. Trust God and be expectant always.

Prayer Points

  1. (Psalm 20:1-5), My Father, I am in trouble send help now in the mighty name of Jesus.
  2. Let the mercies and the forgivenesses of God trouble my enemies and disgrace them by fire in the name of Jesus.
  3. O God arise bottle my tears in your bottles and fight for me now in the name of Jesus.
  4. Dark fasting, dark vigil, dark prayers going on against me, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Dark prophecies, dark decrees, dark vows, dark utterances crying against my head, by the super blood of Jesus go back to sender.
  6. Every evil worker and mischief worker commissioned to waste my life, by the sword of the Lord be wasted in the name of Jesus.
  7. Every sacrifice offered to destroy my glory, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
  8. Every evil circle the wicked has drawn I refuse to stand in it in the name of Jesus.<
  9. Every evil consultation to bring me down from my excellency, scatter in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every slander and lies standing against my head and family, die in the name of Jesus.
  11. Every mouth that is saying I thank God for your life, God bless you, it is well with you, but in their heart they are cursing me, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
  12. Ever tongue that has refuse to close against MFM Region 2 catch fire in the name of Jesus.
  13. Evil followers that escorted me into this world that is in charge of my case, die in the name of Jesus.
  14. Let the fingers of the children of Jezebel that are deleting good things in my life, whither in the name of Jesus.
  15. You the troublers of my peace I am tired of you, release me and let me go in the name of Jesus.
  16. Every anointing of rise and fall, troubling my life, dry up by fire in the name of Jesus.
  17. Every demon of infirmity living inside my body, come out by fire in the name of Jesus.

  18. Foundational delay and disappointment die in the name of Jesus.
  19. With this seed O Lord drive away the serpents and scorpions from my life in the name of Jesus.
  20. Counsel of children of Jezebel resisting me spiritually scatter in the name of Jesus.
  21. Every decree of witchcraft, sorcerers and diviners to remove me from the church be revoked in the name of Jesus.
  22. Angel of darkness assign to decrease the membership of the church, be arrested by fire in the name of Jesus.
  23. My divine helpers (x7)! Where are you? appear by fire in the name of Jesus.
  24. Super blood of Jesus give me the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places in the mighty name of Jesus.