Recreate what the wicked has destroyed O Lord

The purpose of this message is to let us know, that Jesus Christ is coming back. Because of the problems of life, troubles of life, battles of life we have forgotten as Christians the main thing. The purpose of us being a Christian is for us to be with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at the end. However, currently all our attention and our interest are focused on the problems and the battles we are having. We want to defeat and solve all of them at once, so we become preoccupied and lose our joy and peace. Don’t allow what you are going through now whether it be sickness, financial lack, problems in your marriage, to cause you to surrender your salvation and turn your back on God. Don’t lose hope, instead each day continue to renew your relationship with Jesus for he has not left you comfortless and he is coming back. He told us in John 14:1, he said let not your hearts be troubled. Many are troubled and worried with what is happening in their lives and it has caused many to remove their mind from the things of God and from the word of God. The moment your interest in the word of God starts dying, it is the day satan start to take control over your life and dictate to you how you will serve God. Many have lost their salvation, and only go to church to solve their problems. We have forgotten the main thing, which is to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus said let not your hearts be troubled for in my Father’s house there are many mansions; that mansion represents different kinds of benefits, different kinds of testimonies, different kinds of opportunities, different kinds of reward we can get. There is no way you can live in this world as a Christian free from troubles. As it is written in Job 14:1, “man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of troubles”, so you cannot escape problems.

Jesus is seated at the right hand of God interceding for us. If God measure us, the way, we are measuring God, we will be in trouble. Many are sick spiritually, sick morally, sick physically, sick maritally, sick financially, sick in our relationship with God. You need to know that your sickness might be unto death or your sickness might be unto the glory of God. As it is written in John 11:4, Jesus said the sickness of Lazarus is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. When it is sickness unto death, no matter what you do, no matter the amount of money you spend, no matter the amount of fasting and prayer you do through that problem you will still go away. Even though that problem will take you away, but that problem will not take away your Jesus. If it is sickness unto the glory of God, maybe you are blind, before you leave this world you will receive a miracle and your eyes will be opened. That is sickness unto the glory of God. Both the one that is sick unto death and the one that is sick unto the glory of God, eventually they will all die. Lazarus was raised from the dead, but eventually lazarus died. Therefore, do not allow anything to remove you from God’s presence. Do not allow anything as a Christian to stop you from fellowship. Do not allow anything to destroy your relationship with Jesus Christ. Do not allow anything that will destroy your salvation. Beloved, you are placing emphasis on the things that does not matter, that is why the church is dying. The church is not the building; the church is the people that are inside it. When the people inside the church of God are losing interest the work will begin to die spiritually. When your relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ is about solving your problems, you will not experience that unspeakable joy, you will not experience that internal joy as a Christian to know what it means to be a child of God.

It is written in 2 Corinthians 5:9-10, “Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad”. It means that anybody who is a true follower of Jesus Christ, that person does not fear about the physical death. That means every second of your life, every minute of your life, every hour of your life you are getting ready for your death. Because without leaving this world, you will not enter into glory. Whether you are alive, or whether you or dead, the question is, will Jesus Christ accepts you? Will he shake your hand and say welcome good and faithful servant? What we are going through, the stage we are at now, we need trust and confidence. Trust in God and his word, trust in the promises that God has for us through His Son Jesus Christ. Trust and confidence are the important keys to our salvation and to our peace and happiness. We have to kill the spirit of it is not possible, I cannot get it, it is over, I am finished. Hopelessness are hindrances to physical and spiritual progress. That is why many are not growing spiritually.

What are the things the wicked has destroyed in your life?

  1. It might be your body, the wicked has destroyed with sicknesses and diseases. What is that sickness or disease in your body that Jesus cannot heal?
  2. It might be your internal joy, some of us are not happy any longer, we are sad every time. Pray that the Lord will recreate you.
  3. It might be your salvation, many have lost their salvation, they are unable to pray and study the word of God.
  4. It might be your marriage, family and children.
  5. It can be your prayer altar the wicked has destroyed.
  6. It can be your finances; you might be in debt. There is nothing that God cannot change if you are sincere.
  7. The wicked has destroyed the unity of the church, the church of Christ supposed to be one, but they have destroyed it. The church that supposed to be the oracle that directs nations, instead the church is hiding.

Whatever the wicked has destroyed in your life God has the power to recreate them. God has the power to give life through Jesus Christ. Pray that the Lord will increase His grace upon you, so that the power and anointing of Jesus Christ will be upon you every day, because problems must continue to come (2 Corinthians 12:7-10, 2 Timothy 3:12). All they that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Most of the things we are going through is because we are serving Jesus. Remember, if they are attacking you because you are serving Jesus, rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you (Matthew 5:12).

How to recreate what the enemy has destroyed in our lives

Isaiah 60: 10 - 15
  1. The mercy of God locating us, the moment the mercy of God locates you, it opens the door to new opportunities.
  2. The wicked will be taken out of the way physically and in the spirit realm. Remember, the wicked looks as if they are strong now, because God is silent. When God breaks his silence, they will surrender. As it is written in Ecclesiastes 8:11, because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil”. God will break his silence for you in the name of Jesus. God will restore, revive and resurrect everything that is not working in your life now in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Points

  1. Wilderness of lack expire in the name of Jesus.
  2. Wilderness of stagnancy vomit me by fire in the name of Jesus.
  3. Wilderness of frustration and discouragement I am not your candidate expire in the name of Jesus.
  4. Wilderness of hopelessness release me let me go in the mighty name of Jesus.

  5. Wilderness of broken fellowship die in the name of Jesus.
  6. Wilderness of prayerlessness vomit me by fire in the name of Jesus.
  7. Wilderness of unfruitfulness and unproductivity I am tired of you, die in the name of Jesus.
  8. The anointing for re-creativity and reinvention fall upon me now in the name of Jesus.
  9. Anyone within and around me, anyone within and around the camp of my life practicing wickedness and praying witchcraft prayers against me be buried by fire in the name of Jesus.
  10. Let their prayers become an abomination before the Almighty God in the mighty name of Jesus.
  11. Let their prayers become a trap for them in the name of Jesus.
  12. O God arise in my circumstances and make honey out of the rock for me in the name of Jesus.
  13. The power to make new things come forth rest upon me now in the name of Jesus.
  14. By the mercies of God, I receive angelic answers, angelic visitation and angelic intervention and speedy testimony in Jesus name.