The Weapon of Terrifying Noise

Every stubborn problem that has been in your life for many years. They shall hear a terrifying noise and leave your life, leave your body, leave your home and leave everything that concerns you. They shall flee away from you. In 2 Kings
verse 6 that noise of chariots means a noise of surrender. They will surrender when God comes to fight for you, chariots are agents of war. That noise of horses will bring confusion; your enemy will hear a noise of confusion that will cause them to run for their lives. That noise of a great hosts means heavenly army; your enemies will begin to see an army of soldiers with gun, war ship and they shall flee.

Nahum 1:11, there is an evil counsellor around you and you don’t know, they shall hear a terrifying noise and flee. The Egyptians in your life, the Syrians in your life will hear a terrifying noise and flee. They will abandon their weapons of war. They will drop all their valuable possession in your camp and flee. The riches of the gentiles are on the children of God; you are going to spoil your enemies. When your enemies flee, when your problems flee, you will enter into a time of abundance and God is going to use common things, common situation to make your deliverance to happen. God used two lepers that was outcast and abandoned to glorify his name (2 Kings 7:6-9). That is what will happen in your life, he will use common people to change your story. Therefore, don’t despise any one. Don’t despise the day of small beginnings. It is not good to withheld your testimony. It is not good to hide the goodness of the Lord and how you are being bless. The lepers decided to go back and tell the good news that God had fought and won the battle for them.

What is terrifying noise?

  1. It is a weapon that God uses to deliver his people, especially when there is no hope nor help. Some does not go to church again because of the pandemic, they don’t even pray. Be reminded that with God all things are possible. That situation will not stay there forever. If we turn to God and cry for help, if the whole world should go on three days dry fasting about the pandemic he would have heard us and delivered us since. Are you in that situation where you are helpless and hopeless? and everyone is giving you direction, one telling you to go forward, another telling you to go back, then another is telling you to remain. Just look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith and he shall lead and direct you (Hebrews 12:2).
  2. Terrifying noise is a weapon that God uses to silence forever the boasting and the threatening powers. For example, Pharaoh, Jezebel, Athalia, Herod etc. Any satanic power, evil personality that is boasting against your head, threatening to kill you, the Lord will raise a terrifying noise against them and they shall flee. The terrifying noise will smite your enemies, your accusers and they shall flee when no one is pursuing them.
  3. It is the weapon of the Almighty God, that is used in stopping the devourers in your life.
  4. It is a weapon of the Almighty God to disarm and cage the strongman. That spirit of lying in you might be your strongman, that spirit of pride and anger in you might be your strongman. And as long as they are there God cannot do much for you. That internal strongman in us will hear the terrifying noise of the Almighty God and jump out. Your strongman might be an idol living in you and you don’t know, it might be the idol of your heart. It might be unforgiveness. Your strongman might be stinginess, everybody that God has created has something to give, your own might be your kindness, your love, your service, your time etc. God has given each of us something to share with others and to use it for his purpose. Find out what God has given you and share it, if you are stingy God will not do much for you. God has given to us according to the grace he has bestowed upon us. Some persons are stingy in the time they spend in prayer and in reading the word of God.

Which area of your life do you want the voice of the terrifying noise to operate? (Psalm 126:1-3) when your enemies hear the noise of Almighty God and flee there is gold and silver, promotion to pick, there are choices for you to make. So many good things will take place in your life, you will have peace. You will be confident that there is a God in heaven that answers prayer. When you are in a difficult situation it is best for you to keep close to God. For in that difficult situation God is using it to prune you. It is not easy, but you have to go through it. Jesus went through it, the disciples went through it, even your parents went through it. The stronger the opposition and persecution the greater the anointing. Always have confidence that what you are going through you are not alone God is with you.

(Isaiah 25:1-8) God will turn your enemies into a heap. Your enemies shall fear your name and they shall dread your presence. God shall be your refuge and storm. You shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, it is a place of protection. God shall bring all their propaganda against you down. Your unrepentant enemy, your stubborn problems God will bring them down. God will bring blessings to you to wipe away your tears. You will receive abundance, God will remove the covering of backwardness and of sorrow, so that his light will shine in your life. He is going to remove the veil of the Egyptians. He will swallow up death in victory and he shall dry your tears, it is referring to death in your spiritual life, in your finances etc, he will breathe life into every dead area of your life. In your dream they will hear terrifying noise, where they call your name for evil they will hear terrifying noise.

Seven testimonies of terrifying noise:

  1. God want to establish his presence permanently in the life of his children.
  2. The fulfillment of all the testimonies in your life, you shall live to see it.
  3. You will receive your divine benefits (Psalm 68:19-20). There are benefits and blessings that must come to the children of God every day. Whatever hindering it shall hear terrifying noise and leave.
  4. The strongman in your life will be defeated and destroyed.
  5. Your longtime enemies and oppressors shall surrender and flee (Psalm 105:14-15).
  6. Your age long problems will commit suicide and leave you alone.
  7. Restoration, discovery and recovery will take place (Joel 2:23-26). Everything you have lost will come back sevenfold. Everything you put your hand will begin to move; it shall prosper. There shall be no more lack in your life and you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied. You shall never be ashamed again. Always believe that God is the conclusion of your life. Your enemy is not your conclusion; your end does not belong to your enemy. They might start with you but they will not end with you in the name of Jesus. They shall give way so that your glory might be revealed.
  8. The enjoyment of salvation, you will realise that the sweetest thing to do is to serve God and to fellowship with the brethren. You will have ease of anointing to pray for hours.

How do we invoke this weapon of terrifying noise?

  1. By taking a step of faith.
  2. You must believe God and his word. The word of God never fails (Psalms 37:23-25).
  3. You must give your life to Christ and become his best friend. Proverbs 18:10, the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runs into it and is safe (Acts 4:12).
  4. Always pray deep-rooted breakthrough prayers.

Prayer Points

  1. O God my Father fill me with your strength in the mighty name of Jesus.
  2. My Father the God of all flesh arise and deliver me out of the mouth of the lion in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every evil work in the remaining hours of the month of June, my life is not for sale back fire in the name of Jesus.
  4. Every dream assign to turn my life upside down, die in the name of Jesus.
  5. O God my Father let your glory and beauty usher me into the month of July with grace in the mighty name of Jesus.
  6. By the terrifying noise of the Almighty God my enemies and problems shall flee when no one is pursuing them in the name of Jesus.
  7. My God shall bring blessings to me to wipe away my tears in the name of Jesus.
  8. By the decree of the Almighty let every snail anointing in my life dry up in the name of Jesus.
  9. Let the name of Jesus Christ open the door of deliverance and joy for me in the mighty name of Jesus.
  10. Let all my foundational problems, hear the terrifying noise of the Almighty God and commit suicide in the name of Jesus.
  11. Let the enemies of my moving forward hear the terrifying noise of God and flee in the name of Jesus.
  12. My witchcraft enemies (x7)! hear the terrifying noise of heaven, somersault and die in the name of Jesus.
  13. (Job 20:15) Every serpentine belly, that is carrying my blessings, hear the terrifying noise of Almighty God, vomit my blessings and die in the name of Jesus.
  14. My dream enemies that has refuse me to have peace hear the terrifying noise of God, run away and never come back in the name of Jesus.
  15. Breakthrough killers of my father’s house that does not want me to make progress in life, hear the terrifying noise of Almighty God, enter into confusion and die in the name of Jesus.
  16. Ancestral padlock of my parents’ houses used to lock up my progress, by the power of the Holy Ghost, break in the name of Jesus.
  17. Every occultic padlock used to lock up my destiny helpers, by the hammer of Almighty God, break and release them in the name of Jesus.
  18. Every mouth that is cursing the work of my hand day and night, receive the fire of God and die in the name of Jesus.
  19. Bewitchment upon my business and career, by the command of Almighty God, die in the name of Jesus.
  20. Stubborn and unrepentant strongman, tormenting my life, hear the terrifying noise of Almighty God and flee in the name of Jesus.
  21. Notwithstanding my circumstances, the Lord God Jehovah is with me therefore, Satan hear the terrifying noise of Almighty God give way and leave me alone in the name of Jesus.
  22. The voice and the noise of the violent waters raging against my destiny, by the power in the blood of Jesus be silenced speak no more in the mighty name of Jesus.