Throw Your Sword into their Camp O Lord

God will carry pain to your enemy, your problems will suffer pain that when they hear your name they will begin to run (Isaiah 27:1), where is God going to throw his sword? God is going to throw his sword into the deep waters to trouble the powers of the water that is not allowing you to progress. God is going to throw his sword into the camp of witchcraft that is troubling you. God is going to throw his sword into the camp of the enemies of your marriage. He is going to throw his sword into the camp of paralysing powers, the powers that are making you to cry. Your deliverance must come in the name of Jesus. God is going to throw his sword in your mother’s and father’s house against that strongman that is hindering you, He will throw his sword into the camp of parasites that is eating away your finances. He is going to throw his sword into the camp of foundational serpent, into the camp of your prisoners that have imprisoned you in your father’s house saying you will not marry. God is going to throw his sword into the camp of those who don’t want you to serve God. He is going to throw his sword into the camp of your dream oppressors. Isaiah 57:20, God is going to deal with the wicked.

Prayer Points

  1. Troublers of my Israel I am tired of you burn as an oven in the name of Jesus.
  2. The wicked in my life catch fire burn as an oven in the name of Jesus.
  3. The wicked in my career and business that is in charge of failure, I am tired of you catch fire burn as an oven in the name of Jesus.
  4. The wicked in my marriage and relationship your time is up catch fire burn as an oven in the mighty name of Jesus.
  5. God of Elijah throw your sword into my father’s house and kill the strongman in charge of my case in the name of Jesus.
  6. Sword of the Lord appear in my mother’s house and kill the witchcraft power in charge of my problem in the name of Jesus.
  7. My glory (x7) what are you doing in my mother’s house come out by fire in the name of Jesus.
  8. Habitations of serpents in charge of my sufferings and backwardness catch fire burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
  9. O God arise throw your sword into my office and disgrace the children of darkness opposing my progress in the name of Jesus.
  10. Career witches and wizards causing go slow in my life, O Lord throw your sword into their camp and scatter them in the name of Jesus.
  11. Let the camp of occult that captured my glory, scatter now by the sword of the Lord in the name of Jesus.
  12. By the power of resurrection I recover sevenfold all the blessings the wicked had stolen from me in the name of Jesus.