Drying Oil

Beloved, we and the entire body of Christ now are that drying oil. There is something that is making our oil to dry up, our oil is leaking because of the cares of this world. Many churches are getting empty because people are paying more attention to their work, finances, businesses etc. They are no longer interested in the things of God. It is good to work and do other things, but do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ? What is the place of Christ in your life now? Many have slipped away from the presence of God and if anything should happen now they don’t know where they will be going. Make sure you know the God you are serving. If you don’t know the God you are serving and you don’t have any relationship with Jesus Christ your fasting will be a waste of time, it will be a hungry strike and just for show.

What is this drying oil? (John 6:60-71) there is no church in the entire body of Christ that is not experiencing falling away and backslidden. In John 6:64, Jesus said, “But there are some of you that believe not”. For Jesus knew from the beginning who were they that believed not. He knew that they were not following him for genuine salvation but for what they can get only. Why are you in the church? If you are in the church for only what you can get you will fall away before the return of Jesus. It is only those who has found Christ will remain in the Word of God. Wherever the children of God gather don’t think that everyone there is for God (John 6:70).

What does drying oil means?

It means losing appetite in God, the word of God and the things of God. Many have refused to bear fruits and build the kingdom of God. If you are a true Christian hardship is a divine pathway for glory, because our Lord Jesus Christ went that way. It is called the sufferings of Christ you must go through this way so that you will be prepared. Are you losing appetite to the things of God? You need to free up your spirit, many are not free in the spirit, because the appetite in the things of God is going down. The oil that sets you apart as a child of God is no longer there.

Vagabond oil will flow upon you, when you stop doing the things of God. You will be anointed with this vagabond anointing to do the things of the world and satan will own you spiritually. With Holy Ghost anointing we can pray and make great changes in this island.

Why is the oil drying up?

  1. The oil is drying up because of false teaching, false message, different doctrines and different beliefs (1 Timothy 4:1-3).
  2. It is drying up because of unrighteousness. Righteousness is doing the right thing and being in a good standing with God. There is so much unrighteousness in the church, with many wanting to be like the people of the world and please them. Things like this will make the Spirit of God to go away. Any Christian that does not have discipline and compromise the things of God; the glory will depart. Compromise is so strong in the body of Christ that is why the oil is drying up. The church has character problems, no integrity. Matthew 5:13-16, a man or woman of God should carry the glory of God. As a child of God, you should let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
  3. The oil is drying up because we are paying less attention to the word of God. If you want the oil to start flowing again you need to re-dedicate your life to Christ.

What are we going to do?

  1. Go back to the word of God and reconcile with God.

Prayer Points

  1. O God arise and change my story for good in the mighty name of Jesus.
  2. O God arise and replace my tears with joy in the mighty name of Jesus.
  3. My Father (x3) remove me from the battle and take me to the place of victory in the mighty name of Jesus.
  4. O God my Father my spiritual tank is empty refill me with fresh oil in the mighty name of Jesus.
  5. My Jordan hear the word of the Lord divide and dry up in the name of Jesus.
  6. Refreshing fire of the Holy Ghost overshadow me now in the mighty name of Jesus.
  7. Blood of Jesus delete my name from every satanic register in the mighty name of Jesus.
  8. Refreshing rain of the Almighty God shower on me for new beginning and new things in the mighty name of Jesus.
  9. Let the earth open its mouth and swallow the strongman assigned to stop me in the mighty name of Jesus.
  10. Dream polluters denying me of my blessings die by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.

  11. Oil of favour cover my hands now for glory in the mighty name of Jesus.

  12. Favour of God draw my destiny helpers to me by force in the mighty name of Jesus.

  13. Fire of God chase the eaters of the flesh and the drinkers of the blood out of this island in the mighty name of Jesus.

  14. O God my Father make honey out of the rock for me and my family in this land in the mighty name of Jesus.