Abundance of Rain

Abundance of rain simply means God has responded and decided to visit you to change pass situations to good. Abundance of rain means to turn the sorrows and pain of people into laughter. You need to remove your eyes from the economic situation of the world, look and you will see a transfer of power in the heavenlies. God is coming for you, get ready for God has turn it around. It is not always going to be warfare. This time we are in is a time of testimony. Abundance of rain means answered prayers, new things and a refreshing moment.

There is a time for everything. This remaining five months for the year to come to an end, there will be a supernatural turn around for any man or woman whose feet is saying yes to the word of God. There is a time for war and there is a time for visitation. You have to realise that your time of restoration and re-instatement to the place of your glory has come. It is a time for new things, we need to stop dwell on the things that happened in the past and look ahead.

Abundance of rain means Jesus revealing himself to you and giving you direction. The envelope for your answered prayers is coming to you. Abundance of rain means God fulfilling and accomplishing his purpose to show that God is the Alpha and the Omega. That is why satan and his agents are so desperate and throwing stones after you; because they have seen your glory, they have seen your new connection and the joy and laughter that is coming to you. Despite the desperation of the wicked, your time of restoration and lifting up has come in the name of Jesus, because God has decided to visit you. Romans 8:18, the troubles of this present time is nothing to compare with the glory that is to come. Pray that your faith be increased.

In John 10:10, the enemy came to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give you life more abundantly. Your abundant life will manifest if you are obedient to the things of God. In 1 Kings 18:41-46 King Ahab obeyed all the instructions given by prophet Elijah and he received the abundance of rain. If you are not obedient you will not experience your abundance of rain. Many have lost so many blessings because of partial obedience.

What is the rain you are expecting? Is it the rain of fruitfulness, healing, deliverance, promotion, marriage, anointing, consecration? Before the rain will fall your cloud of blessings will appear, it will position to shower that rain upon you (1 Kings 18:45), this message is telling you to get ready, be prepared, for God is going to visit you and unveil to you how to defeat the enemy.

God is a great God he will not abandon you, stop comparing yourself with others, you have your own race to run, run your race the way God has ordained it for you. Time and chance happen to all, some actualize their destiny in their early age, while others will actualize in their old age, but don’t allow your cloud of blessings to change direction because of your attitude, if this happens the rain will fall on another (Ecclesiastes 9:11).

What are your expectations? If you don’t have any expectations you will not get anything, so be expectant. Isaiah 25:1-6, the Lord is going to provide for you supernaturally, there is going to be a divine turn around in this nation and Psalm 126:1 will begin to manifest.

How to attract the abundance of rain upon your life?

  1. Trust God and his word. His word never fails, God said he knows the plans he has for you, plans of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end.
  2. Work with the word of God, make sure every decision you make is in line with the word of God.
  3. Remember the assurance of Jesus Christ in John 10:10b and allow it to operate in your daily life. Life is nothing without Jesus, it is empty without the word of God and fellowship.
  4. Always be expectant has a child of God because God never fails (Isaiah 25:1).

Prayer Points

  1. Midnight chef be paralyzed in the name of Jesus.
  2. Early morning chef your time is up, be paralyzed in the name of Jesus.
  3. Unspeakable joy my life is available enter in the mighty name of Jesus.
  4. O God my Father arise, arrange my visitation in the mighty name of Jesus.
  5. In the name of Jesus, I will make it (X7).
  6. Call your name seven times loudly then say there shall be showers of blessings for me in the mighty name of Jesus.
  7. Discouraging strongman attached to my life, by the fire of God jump out and die in the name of Jesus.
  8. My cloud of blessings hear the word of the Lord, drop my joy now in the mighty name of Jesus.
  9. Satanic roughways on my breakthrough road, clear away by the blood of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  10. The problem that will promote my destiny, manifest in the mighty name of Jesus.
  11. Every assignment of the eaters of the flesh and drinkers of the blood against me and my family backfire in the mighty name of Jesus.