I Owe You Nothing Part 2

Jesus came for us to be part of the new foundation that God has laid for us (through his Son Jesus Christ). What are these foundations that God had laid for us?

  1. The foundation of love – in John 15:10, Jesus said, “If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love”. This love Jesus is talking about is agape love and not the world kind of love. The love that flows from within, the love that can effect change.

  2. Foundation of forgiveness – without forgiveness none of us will be able to reap the joy of salvation. Forgiveness is one of the cardinal principles of the Christian faith. When there is the spirit of forgiveness it shows that there is genuine and true repentance, it shows that you have compassion, it shows that regeneration had taken place that leads to brokenness. So that people can point at you and say of a truth this person is a Christian.

  3. The foundation of accommodation – are you accommodative like our Lord Jesus Christ? When you are not accommodative you cannot be humble.

  4. The foundation of tolerance – can you tolerate people around you? Are you seeing yourself as more righteous than others? If you are like that, Satan will demand things from you, and you will not be able to say I owe you nothing.

  5. The foundation of fellowship – We should be together in one place lifting up our holy hands to praise God and appreciate him for everything he has done for us (Hebrews 10:25), we should not forsake the assembly of the brethren, but many of us are forsaking that assembly and we are seeking answers to prayers, we are seeking for deliverance and miracles and all these things. Many of us don’t understand what Christianity is, many don’t understand what relationship is and because they don’t understand when they get married it fail. They have problem with their coworkers because they don’t have the understanding of the word of God or what Christianity is all about. They don’t know that coming together in fellowship increase their communication and make their public relations to be better, because we lack this public relation when God send his angels to us we don’t understand.

  6. The foundation of patience – patience is a Christian virtue you must have, because sometimes you will need to wait. It is difficult to wait for answered prayers, but tough people do wait. It is because of impatience why many have fallen into the hands of emergency prophets and pastors that mess them up, because they refuse to wait. There is a timeline for every prayer to be answered you need to be patient to get what you want. Once you are not patient Holy Spirit will not trust you. You have to understand the journey God is taking you on first, because when you lack understanding when God give you that thing you will abuse it. Hebrews 10:36, you have need of patience, now that you have done the will of God you will receive your reward.

  7. The foundation of Self-witnessing – How many persons since the year started have you told about the love of Christ? How many people have you tell about the love of Christ in your office, in your family, in the supermarket etc.? How many people have you told about what the Lord has done for you? Have you witnessed to your children? Many have failed as a mother and a father that is why the land is like this now. Each and every person shall give account of what they have done with the children God has given unto them.

  8. The foundation of perseverance – many don’t know how to withstand pain, disappointment, temptations and trials. They hold it against others. There is a journey that we must follow, those that are Godly in Christ must suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12), Christianity is a battle of its own.

  9. The foundation of kindness and hospitality; these are the things we find in Jesus Christ and his followers. We need to look at our Christian foundations. That is how we started being a Christian? Many of us don’t have foundation, it is one sickness or another that throw us into the church. You must love the word of God that will reveal Christ to you, that will discipline your life and show you if you do well or not.

  10. The foundation of generosity – how generous are you? God is so generous as written in John 3:16, God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son for us. God allowed Jesus to go through suffering to redeem us back to him, because the pathway that he has given to us before through Adam and Eve did not work out well. It is high time we respond to the generosity of God to us and give back in evangelism.

  11. The foundation of fasting and prayer – Prayer is not only for when you have problem, bible says pray without ceasing. The fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.

There are many challenges of life, what are these challenges?

  1. Many are going through rejection, you have done everything in your life to be loved, to be accepted and to be seen as a human being. The only thing that will save you is that your eyes are focused on the cross 24/7 and you are genuinely born again as a child of God. Some of us are going through disappointments. The devil threw that disappointment at you because he sees a legal ground, there is something in your foundation that the devil saw. You need to come out with boldness and say disappointment you are not my portion; go your way I owe you nothing in the name of Jesus. In Titus 3:1-6, it shows that there are areas that we have not yet covered as followers of Jesus Christ. Once you cover these areas the devil will recognize who you are, he will see the light, the symbol of the cross and the blood of Jesus upon you and the devil will give command to his agents saying touch not. In Psalm 105:14-15, it says that he suffereth no one to do you harm. In Galatians 6:17 it is written, henceforth let no man trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of Jesus Christ.

  2. The other challenge is boasting powers – Are there any power that is boasting against you? the boasting power will boast at you when you have skeleton.

  3. The challenge of the strong man – a strong man is a problem that refuse to go, it is something that is stronger than you, that is messing you up, poverty is a strongman, sickness and disease is a strongman, limitation is a strongman. You need to speak to that strongman to leave your spiritual house.

  4. Frustration, discouragement and depression, these three things are not for a true child of God (John 14:1), do not let your heart be troubled.

What are we going to do?

  1. Go back to God.
  2. Go back to the Bible.
  3. Go back to Jesus.

Prayer Points

  1. Jesus I thank you for your friendship and love in the name of Jesus.
  2. Lord Jesus I thank you for being my personal doctor and physician in the name of Jesus.
  3. Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour, put back your marks on me again in the mighty name of Jesus.
  4. Family backwardness hear the word of the Lord, I owe you nothing Christ has paid the price, allow my glory to arise and shine in the name of Jesus.
  5. Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour let your glory, beauty and power appear in my battlefield and stop my oppressors in the name of Jesus.
  6. In the name of Jesus Christ my oppressors must die in the name of Jesus.
  7. Blood of Jesus heal my broken heart and make me whole in the mighty name of Jesus.
  8. Committee of wicked elders determine to frustrate my life, Jesus Christ has paid the debt, I owe you nothing scatter by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
  9. The testimony that will fulfil my joy manifest by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
  10. Heavens of new opportunities be open unto me now in the name of Jesus.
  11. Household wickedness, household witchcraft, household enemies, standing on my way, Jesus Christ has paid the price, I owe you nothing clear away in the name of Jesus.
  12. Serpentine enemies poised to destroy me I owe you nothing, Christ has paid the price, receive the arrows of fire fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
  13. Every spiritual contamination that is messing up my life be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
  14. My accusers shall hear of my promotion and cry in the name of Jesus.