Stagnant Anointing

There is a divine deposit in every person that God has created. You can call it gift of God, talent, grace, anointing. God has given it to you for you to excel. Unfortunately, many are carrying this divine deposit and wandering from one place to another seeking help, not knowing that what is inside of them; if it is ignited it will change the whole world. Many have not begun to use the talent, gift of God, grace and anointing that God has given to them. It could be as a result of rebellion, poor parenting etc. As soon as you discover who you are you will begin to recover. A man’s gift will cause him to walk with great men.

What is anointing?

1 John 2 : 27
Anointing is that seed of transformation of Almighty God in you that distinguishes you among mortals. It makes you to do extraordinary things. The people who activates this seed in the bible they show case the raw power of God. Pray that the Holy Ghost will activate that divine seed in you so that whatever is placed in your hand will begin to be used for his glory.

What is stagnant anointing?

  1. It means not using what God has deposited in us for his glory. Joseph, David and Josiah used what God has given unto them for his glory. Samson did not use what God has given him for his glory. There are so many wasted talent and gift. Satan is so careful to ensure that he place us in the wrong position causing us not to manifest. When you are in the wrong location and wrong position the seed of God and the anointing will not work for you. As a result, failure and suffering will be your name. Are you using what God has deposited in you for his glory? Amos 6:1, woe to them that are at ease in Zion. You need to pray; you need to cry to God that Ephesians 1:17-18 will manifest in your life. There are so many breakthroughs God has kept for you. You have to do things to make them manifest. The enemy is making you to use all your time to fight demons.
  2. Stagnant anointing means abusing the grace of God. When it is time to pray and study the word of God some persons will not do it. Instead they go around seeking for prayers and will not even pray for themselves for even five minutes. You invite them to church they will not go. Are you abusing the grace of God? Don’t be like Samson, Judas Iscariot and Absalom and others like them in the bible. If your seed of transformation begins to manifest, Satan and his agents will stay clear of you.
  3. Stagnant anointing means manifestation of unfruitfulness and unproductivity. Nothing works in your hands. If the door is open, once you appear it closes. Where there is joy and laughter, when you appear it turns to sorrow. (Mark 9:16-19, John 21:1-4). The moment your anointing is stagnant you will begin to struggle and everything will become try and luck. You need a fresh revelation and a fresh encounter like the prophet Isaiah as written in Isaiah 6:1-9.
  4. It is Christianity of no achievement, purpose and destiny, only telling stories. Is there any achievement, purpose or destiny in your Christianity? If the answer is no your anointing is stagnant. Pray that the Holy Spirit will make you active. Your purpose of being a Christian is to have achievement and testimony, that will attract others to Christ. 2 Timothy 3:5, people with stagnant anointing are self-righteous.

Things that can make the anointing, the grace and the gift of God in you to be stagnant:

  1. Refusal to adopt to change, many has refused to accept the gospel of repentance. If you don’t want to change then things are not going to change for you. You need to adopt to change, allow the word of God and the Holy Spirit to touch you. A penitent and contrite heart is a heart that is ready to say I am sorry. Sin is an enemy of God’s grace, anointing, free flow of God’s oil, to the gift of God, to the promises of God. No matter the oil that is poured on your head, when sin is manifested anointing will not work. Our God does not stay one place. If you are not ready, he will find a replacement. Disobedience, rebellion and pride is a trap that is used against our soul by Satan. Obedience is better than sacrifice and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.
  2. Failed fellowship, Hebrews 10:25, forsake not the assembly of the brethren. If you don’t have time for God, how do you expect God to find time for you?
  3. Evil parental inheritance – your parents can quench the glory of God in your life. It can be curses, idolatry, evil dedication (you could be dedicated to an idol when you were born). When you are trying to go further in the word of God these things will hinder your progress.
  4. Personal indulgences – for example, lying, sexual immorality, collecting bribes etc. What some persons do in their closet is not what they do in the public.
  5. A bad church and a bad pastor. A church whose foundation is not of God and a pastor that is not of God. Even though they carry bible, underneath they are not of God. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if your church and your pastor is of God.
  6. Absence of the word of God, Holy Spirit and prayer. Take personal bible study serious, as you study the bible, you are opening the door for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Those who don’t study the word of God will experience difficulty in praying.
  7. Stinginess – when you give God time, God will give you time and he will have time for you. Give time to what happen in the church and to the brethren (Psalm 31:15). If you have money give it.

How to make the anointing work effectively?

Mark 9 : 27 - 29
  1. Repent genuinely
  2. Let our character, behavior and conduct be in line with the word of God.
  3. Study the word of God, fast and pray always. Holy Spirit will come in and activate the gift and talent in us, so that we will be able to do what we were called to do. Then no household wickedness, witch or wizard can stop us.

Prayer Points

  1. Let all the problems sin is sustaining in my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  2. Enemies standing up with me now, collapse and die in the name of Jesus.
  3. O earth (x3), hear the word of the Lord, henceforth refuse to cooperate with my troubles in the mighty name of Jesus.
  4. Every curse that wants me to spend this year without testimony, by the power in the blood of Jesus, expire in the name of Jesus.
  5. Holy Ghost give me connection that will take me to the next level in the name of Jesus.
  6. O God my Father by your great mercy change my position and location to a place of glory and to a place of manifestation in the mighty name of Jesus.
  7. O God my Father bring the anointing and grace upon my life alive in the name of Jesus.
  8. Resurrection power separate me from the darkness that make my anointing stagnant in the mighty name of Jesus.
  9. Accelerated anointing of the Holy Ghost, activate the gifts of God in my life to manifest in the mighty name of Jesus.
  10. Every foundational limitation that make me to be living under average life, break and lose your hold in the name of Jesus.
  11. O God my Father, breathe on me now and let your grace increase in my life in the name of Jesus.
  12. Every manifestation of unfruitfulness and unproductivity in my life, by the power of Almighty God, die in the name of Jesus.
  13. The anointing of sowing and reaping, possess my spirit, soul and body in the name of Jesus.
  14. Season of divine harvest, I am waiting for you, locate me by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
  15. Curse of collective failures of my father’s house that is manifesting in my life now, by the power in the blood of Jesus I separate from you in the name of Jesus.
  16. Curse of collective failures of my mother’s house that rendered my anointing and the grace of God stagnant, by the power of God break and lose your power in the name of Jesus.
  17. Every circle of backwardness that is not allowing me to use what God has deposited in me for his glory, break in the name of Jesus.
  18. Anything buried in my compound that is not allowing me to make progress, catch fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
  19. Within 21 days let the troublers of my Israel expire in the mighty name of Jesus.
  20. My star be anointed now and receive favours from the four winds of the earth in the mighty name of Jesus.
  21. Strongman of darkness opposing me spiritually receive fire fall down and die in the mighty name of Jesus.