Prefer me Above Others O Lord

“A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men”, (Proverbs 18:16). The talent that God has given to you, the potentials in you, the gift of God in you is a way maker. When God arises for you, those that hate you, those that don’t want to see you nor hear your name, those that don’t want you to rise above them; they will have no choice. Whether you go to school or not, whether you know how to write or not, whether you know how to speak English or not; when God arises for you, when it is your turn, no power can stop it. The same God that arise for you will bring men and women that will help you to fill up your weaknesses, so that his plan for you shall come to pass.

This message is for those who are in the valleys of discouragement, in the valleys of hopelessness and saying I don’t have anybody, I don’t have any qualification, I don’t have any certificate. God will open the book of remembrance for you and God will bypass protocol for your sake in the name of Jesus. Your problems, situation and limitations will hear the voice of favour and things will begin to change for you. The situation for Mary heard the voice of favour and her situation changed (Luke 1:28).

Many stop going to church because of heaviness; they are so frustrated saying where will I go. Before God will prefer you above others, before God will prepare you before others, before God will place you before others, before God will look at you as precious and as the apple of his eyes; you must pass through the journey of roughways. The journey of roughways involve your sufferings, troubles, disappointments, delays that you are experiencing etc. Things that made you to believe that you are not loved by your love ones, that there is no one there to help you. In Daniel 1:12-20, Daniel and others became prisoners of war, they were disconnected from their roots and loved ones. They were taken to be slaves in a strange land. They were put in a place to be trained by the King’s Eunuch and they refused to eat the King’s food, they refuse to do anything according to the way of the culture of Babylon. Instead they chose to stand with their God and refuse to take the delicacies of the land and God came and glorified his name in their lives and they were preferred over the others in that land.

That battle in your life is a pathway for the voice of favour and deliverance to speak to you. Before God will prefer you, you will be an outcast, Mary because of circumstances beyond her control she almost become an outcast, but the voice of favour intervene. As written in Matthew 1:19-20, Joseph was engage to the young girl Mary, but he saw her with pregnancy, he wanted to send her away secretly. The angel of the Lord appeared unto Joseph and told him that what is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. The voice of favour is the voice of intervention to stop something bad that is about to happen to you. There must be a change in your situation, there must be a victory song in your battlefield. You will not lose because Jesus lives, your tomorrow is full of hope, your tomorrow is full of favour.

Before God will prefer you, you will be in a position where nobody considers you like Mordecai. In Esther chapter 6, the King was asking Haman what shall be done to the person whom the King delighted to honor. Haman who was the right hand to the King thought it was for him, so he gave the King the best recommendation. Then the King told him to make haste and do everything he said unto Mordecai. Your enemies will obey the command of the King, your enemies will obey the command of God for your elevation, for your promotion in that your office in the name of Jesus. In 1 Samuel 16, Samuel went to Jesse’s home and he brought all his elderly sons, but none of them were favoured by God. Then Samuel ask Jesse in 1 Samuel 16:11, if these were all his children? Jesse said except the youngest who keepeth the sheep. Samuel said send and fetch him for we will not sit down until he come hither.

Those whom God will prefer above others they must have the excellent oil, the oil that will set them apart. The only thing that will make God not to prefer you above others is death. The thing that will bring death is sin, carelessness and sickness.

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Prayer Points

  1. Arrows of frustration I am not your scape goat jump out of my body, go back to your sender in the name of Jesus.
  2. Arrows of discouragement my life is not for sale jump out and die in the name of Jesus.
  3. Arrows of backwardness I am not your candidate jump out kill your sender in the name of Jesus.
  4. You my circumstances hear the voice of favour and become divine appointment for me in the name of Jesus.
  5. Let my enemies and oppressors hear the voice of the King and change my garment for glory in the mighty name of Jesus.
  6. Foundational Haman standing on my way, your time is up die in the name of Jesus.
  7. Wilderness of afflictions, expire, my promise land manifest in the name of Jesus.
  8. O God arise bypass the failures of my generation and elevate me above others in the name of Jesus.
  9. O God arise bypass the limitation of my parents and push my star to rise and shine above my siblings in the name of Jesus.
  10. God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob arise and make me greater than my father’s house in the name of Jesus.
  11. God of signs and wonders bypass protocols for my sake and promote me by fire in the name of Jesus.
  12. By the finger of God I receive the mark of distinction, honour and enthronement in the mighty name of Jesus.
  13. My destiny hear the voice of favour move forward by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
  14. Call your name seven times, then say, arise and shine in the name of Jesus.